This page only shows paintings, videos and sketches of Guru Nanak Dev ji by Bhagat Singh Bedi. To see other Sikh Art by the artist, see Sikh History Paintings.
Pita Kalu ji Holding Baby Nanak
Pita Mehta Kalu ji looks at newly born Baby Nanak’s face, in a peaceful and serene trance state, holding him in his hands for the first time. In this painting, I wanted to paint a portrait of Mehta Kalu ji, keeping the main focus on Pita ji, while also showing the light of Guru Nanak Dev ji and his divine arrival on earth.
The sikh art tradition has never painted the father, Pita ji, of Guru Nanak Dev ji in the way Bhagat Singh of Sikhi Art™ has. It is truly a unique print. This painting is incredibly textured, buy canvas prints for that traditional oil painting look.
Guru Nanak Dev ji – Supper at Bhai Lalo ji’s House
Guru Nanak Dev ji demonstrates that Bhai Lalo ji’s bread, earned through Responsible Actions and Meditation, is dripping with Milk. It nourishes everyone around Bhai Sahib, who bows to the Guru. Whereas the bread of Malik Bhago, earned through irresponsible actions, is dripping with Blood. It sucks the blood of those around Malik Bhago, who is looking shocked by the revelation. Standing behind Guru ji, Bhai Mardana ji watches the miracle in awe.
With this painting, Bhagat has went back in time and has captured the Puratan depiction of Guru Nanak Dev ji, mentioned in historical literature, and in the style of Italian artist Caravaggio. This painting depicts Guru ji illuminating the scene, in his original and unique appearance that we see in the Sikh Art tradition of 18th century Punjab. The painting grabs out attention and reminds us to perform Responsible Actions and Meditation, and embody Ram within.
Guru Nanak Dev ji – Shabad Vichar
Like all of Bhagat’s sikh art, his painting of Guru Nanak Dev ji has been painted differently than previous paintings of Guru ji. This sikh artist has shown Guru ji smiling while singing kirtan. Guru Nanak Dev ji is the embodiment of bliss; his smile represents that inner joy that is readily available to each of us.
Buy prints to inspire you to tap into that Ocean of Joy within yourself.
Adi Guru – Guru Nanak Dev ji
Guru Nanak Dev ji nourishes our soul the way the sun nourishes the trees, plants and all the greenery in the painting. He brings peace to our hearts and gives us wholesome rest in this tiresome world.
Bhagat’s sikh art depicts Sikhs Gurus as authentically and as accurately as possible. This painting of Guru Nanak Dev ji is a reminder to those beings, who are immersed in daily grind, to remember God at all times. Buy prints for inspiration to let God inside your heart.
In this video, I paint Pita Kalu ji from scratch and you can watch the painting develop as I discuss my thoughts behind what I do.

Udasis of Guru Nanak
Guru Nanak Dev ji travelled to many places to spread the light of Truth. In one of His travels, He encounters the personification of Kaliyug.

Udasis of Guru Nanak
Guru Nanak Dev ji close-up
Young Guru Nanak Dev ji
Gurus always said everyone follows faith blindly without understanding. So they tried to instill understanding in everyone. To the Gurus, hindus, muslims, christians, now sikhs, everybody was the same, they are all ignorant of God. That’s how the prophets also saw the people. Jesus said on the cross, “forgive them, Father, for they don’t know”. To the Gurus, no religion was a hurdle. It was ignorance of God that was the hurdle. That’s why the Gurus always focused on ignorance rather than religion.
Guru Nanak Dev ji – Flow with the Hukam
Guru Nanak Dev ji with Bhai Mardana ji and local villagers. In the spirit of my old painting of Guru Nanak Dev ji – Shabad Vichar
How can one realize the truth that all is impermanent?
By staying with the current of the eternal present moment one can recognize things for what they truly are.
What is the eternal present moment?
The eternal present moment cannot be stated, you can only be with it. But know that it is in the present moment in which things take form, in which living beings come to life, in which greatness is obtained, in which one becomes high or low, in which pleasure and pain is received. Everything is happening inside this eternal moment, there is nothing outside of it.